1 on 1, Online Language Tutor

We specialize in helping students of all ages learn how to communicate confidently with travel, business, and relationships.

Welcome to BOLT

One Student, One Tutor. Twice a Week.

Work with the same tutor every week - for 3 months or for 1 year - until you meet your goals!

Apply Online


Tell us more about your expectations and goals to determine if BOLT is the right fit for you.


Get Guidance

Within 3 days, get matched with a consultant who will guide you and get you set with the program.

Start Learning!


Meet and schedule twice a week sessions with your tutor. Work with them for 3 months or 1 year.

Your style of learning shouldn’t discourage you from learning a new language.

Why Best Online Language Tutor

We want every student to receive personalized lessons that match their skill levels and learning style to ensure pleasant learning and rapid progress.

1 Student. 1 Tutor

Work with the same tutor, twice a week, for 3 months or for 1 year!

All of our sessions are hosted online, making it easy and convenient to fit language learning into your busy life.

100% Online

We’ve been doing this for a long time and we’ve learned a lot along the way.

Since 2018


Developing functional speakers in less than 90 Days since 2018.

We exist to ignite your passion for language learning, ensuring you reach your goals.



Hours Tutored

Students Served

What are Our Students Saying?

Here are some testimonials from BOLT, parents and students.

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